Buffel Grass No Match For MegaMin
Product Range: MegaMin 50% Protein Meal and MegaMin Mineral Blend
Region: Utopia Downs, Taroom, QLD
Wes and Sue Presho are among a growing trend of producers who see merit in supplementing with minerals for most of the year. Wes and Sue Presho ‘Utopia Downs’, run their 800 head Santa Gertrudis breeder operation on undulating Brigalow country near Taroom. Predominantly Angus bulls, with some Charolais, are crossed over their Santas and grown out for the Jap Ox market or turned off earlier into the feedlots.
MegaMin has done the job on our cattle for the past 9 years. Calcium is a key mineral for the smooth muscle group, such as the uterus and for pelvic growth and expansion. With our Buffel grass being a poor accumulator of calcium, we know this mineral is an issue not only for our stock horses, but for our cattle as well. Since using MegaMin we’ve had less calving trouble with our heifers and use the supplement to keep our younger heifers going prior to joining and to assist them with calving and early lactation.”
Wes and Sue mainly use the MegaMin Original blend and switch to MegaMin Protein blends at strategic times of the year. Being Urea-free, they are suitable for their horses that also require calcium and minerals due to the risk of Big Head on Buffel country.
MegaMin is cheap insurance for us as macro minerals and trace minerals are critical for our young heifers and as a boost at joining. We have a range of soil types and intake on the minerals fluctuates with different mobs, times of the year and paddock conditions. We prefer the MegaMin Loose Supplement in order to control the intake and know our stock are getting the minerals into them.”