Home /Take the guess work out of soil, crop and livestock nutrition
Work with our qualified Field Advisors to develop a management program specifically for your soil, crop and livestock requirements.
Our Services
Soil, Sap and Leaf Testing
To accurately assess your soil’s requirements and identify the underlying issues affecting crop and pasture productivity, AgSolutions can provide a range of services including soil testing, sap and dry tissue (leaf) testing.
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Pasture Management Programs
AgSolutions can design a tailored and simple to follow soil management plan to suit the specific requirements of your soil, and subsequently your crops and livestock. Whether you follow conventional or more natural farming practices, our programs are designed to restore soil fertility, helping to maximise yield and productivity.
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Feed Testing
To ensure your livestock are receiving adequate nutrition to achieve their performance and production goals, we can arrange a NIR feed test of raw ingredients through our partners, Feed Central Australia.
Feed testing identifies the true value, safety, and quality of feed, and whether nutritional requirements for your livestock are being met.
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Ration Formulation
Our nutrition team can review your current rations for early weaning, backgrounding, feedlots, bulls, dairy, sheep and lambs; and develop a ration with a simple to follow feeding guide to ensure livestock are receiving sufficient nutrients to meet performance criteria and goals and accommodate ingredient price changes and availability.
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As part of our mission to ‘Helping Australia Grow’ we aim to ensure that customers receive a complete suite of information and assistance, including the latest nutritional advice and options available in the agriculture industry. We offer a sustainable and complete program approach for soil and livestock producers by providing nutritional advice, value adding services and on-going support to help our customers achieve optimal results and maximise the return on their investments.
Pasture Management for Horses
Greater emphasis on pasture feeding of horses should be made in Australia, as it offers the advantage of considerable reduction in feeding costs in combination with a return to the natural grazing conditions to which horses are well adapted. Grazing horses attain benefits from both the nutritional value of the pasture and from the exercise derived from actively grazing.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will be able to find answers to the most commonly asked questions about AgSolutions Australia, soil, livestock and our product ranges NatraMin and MegaMin.