Establishment of
Improved Pasture
The implementation of a soil and pasture management program can positively impact the health of your pasture and livestock, providing long term sustainability and profitability for your property. When planting improved pasture, there is a significant expense for seed and fertiliser so it is important to address soil structure issues to ensure optimum germination and pasture establishment.
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About Our Pasture Management Program
When developing a soil and pasture management plan for our clients, we take into account the history of the paddock, including previous pasture performance, fertiliser history, as well as soil structure issues. Soil structure has a direct impact on biological activity and nutrient availability. Understanding the relationships between mineral elements and how high levels of some elements can cause soil structure issues and nutrient tie up is pivotal to successful pasture management.
For decades, the primary focus for soil and crop nutrition has been on the use of NPK water soluble fertiliser, Lime and Gypsum. Over time, valuable minerals and trace elements have been depleted from the soil profile.
To restore broad spectrum minerals to your soil, we recommend a program that includes soil remineralisation with NatraMin. Other factors considered in our recommendations include soil aeration if necessary and practical; returning mulch; and planting a diversity of plants including perennials, grasses, legumes, forbes, shrubs, trees and herbs. Incorporating plants with different root depths assists to break up tillage pans and to bring up minerals from deeper down.
Repeat applications of NatraMin are vital to restore vital mineral elements to your soil. As soil fertility improves, the use of water-soluble fertiliser can often be reduced. Many graziers using NatraMin to replace the use of Lime, Gypsum and Superphosphate, have reported:
- the return of earth worms
- stronger legume growth
- improved soil structure
- improved pH and nutrient availability
- less pasture stress during weather extremes
- reduced requirements for water soluble fertiliser
- livestock prefer to graze areas where NatraMin has been applied.
NatraMin Trial: Pasture Production and Dry Matter Utilisation
In trials at The University of Queensland Gatton Dairy Research Unit, the use of NatraMin Cal-S on irrigated rye grass improved pasture production and increased utilisation of pasture. Click below to read the trial results and see the difference where NatraMin was applied.
Grazing Management
The beneficial impact of a well implemented grazing plan can’t be underestimated. Whether you are in an area where it is viable to use fertiliser or grazing livestock in marginal country, the use of grazing management can assist to restore soil fertility and improve pasture performance. Click below for key points to remember for your grazing plan.
How to get started on a program to improve your soil fertility and crop production:
Click below to organise a soil test or alternatively, AgSolutions can review an existing soil test at no cost. By fine-tuning your soil management program, we can often help you to save $$ without compromising on productivity!
Contact your local Field Advisor
The AgSolutions’ team is on hand to provide technical and nutritional advice to our customers. Click here to find the AgSolutions Field Advisor servicing your region.
Submit a Request
Complete and submit the request form. The AgSolutions’ Field Advisor for your area will be in touch.
Soil Testing
AgSolutions provides a soil testing service, allowing you to work with our qualified Field Advisors to develop a tailored, sustainable program focused on rebalancing nutritional deficiencies, repairing soil structural issues and improving biological activity in your soil.
Have you recently conducted a soil test?
Great! Our nutrition team can assess the results of a previous soil test free of charge!
What Our Customers Say

Why is Soil Remineralisation Important?
After decades of farming, vital mineral elements and humus levels have been depleted from the soil, resulting in an ever-increasing dependence on water-soluble fertiliser. Although NPK fertilisers have delivered big yields, their use comes at a cost to soil health.
Most of the commonly used fertilisers in agriculture are highly soluble and salt-based, generally containing sulphates and nitrates that react with trace elements to form leachable salts. These valuable minerals are then easily leached from the soil profile.
Applying high levels of soluble salt fertiliser to the soil system can also cripple the beneficial living component of the microbe and worm activity in the soil. NatraMin is formulated to provide broad spectrum minerals as well as stimulating microbe and worm activity, helping to build fertility in your soil.