Do you know the true value of your feed?

Looking to increase the overall productivity of your stock?

Whether you are grain-feeding cattle or sheep, backgrounding, full feed lotting or early weaning, our feed testing and ration formulations service is designed to restore mineral balance, help maximise weight gain, and improve productivity by providing adequate nutrient supply suitable for achieving your production goals. We aim to reduce your time and monetary costs by assessing the needs of your livestock operation and recommending a feeding program using high quality supplements, raw materials, and the latest techniques in livestock nutrition.

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About Feed Testing

To ensure your livestock are receiving adequate nutrition to achieve their performance and production goals, AgSolutions can arrange a NIR feed test of raw ingredients through our partners, Feed Central Australia.

Testing your feed will help you make informed decisions about:

  • Whether or not nutritional requirements are being met
  • True value and quality of the feed
  • Balancing rations to allow maximum production from your feed
  • Budgeting for nutritional gaps
  • How safe the feed is for livestock consumption?

How to book a Feed Test:

Contact your local Field Advisor
The AgSolutions’ team is on hand to provide technical and nutritional advice to our customers. Click here to find the AgSolutions Field Advisor servicing your region.

Submit a Request
Complete and submit the request form. Your request will be forward to the AgSolutions’ Field Advisor for your area who will be in touch with instructions and more information.

Ration Formulation Service

AgSolutions’ nutrition team are here to help and we provide a complimentary ration formulation service to assist you in looking at your current feed ration and can help with formulating a new diet to enhance weight gains and feed efficiencies.

Have you recently conducted a feed test?
Great! Our nutrition team can assess the results of previous feed test free of charge!

What Our Customers Say

After testing our roughage and grains, AgSolutions formulated our rations and we’ve been able to drop out Lime and Bicarb soda from our old rations. Using MegaMin is easy at 1 bag per tonne of ration and it’s a lot easier to handle and transport compared to liquid concentrates.

– Ashley & Maryellen Volz, Highgrove QLD

I’ve been utilising AgSolutions for their assistance with providing a supplement and balancing and testing our feed rations for nearly 5 years. We test every batch of silage to balance our feeding program because knowing the dry matter of silage is critical and needs to be monitored through the pit, so we know what is actually being fed on a dry matter basis.

– Matthew Marshall, Nandowrie QLD

AgSolutions has formulated background, starter and finisher rations for us and has tested our feed ingredients to improve the accuracy and efficiency of our rations. When required, this program includes testing of the nutrient and protein content of raw ingredients (grain/hay/silage) and adjustments can easily be made throughout the year if there is a change in prices or availability of feed ingredients.

– Michael Donald, Jandowae QLD

What ingredients should I use in a ration?

The initial selection of ingredients for your ration will depend largely on what is readily available to you and at the lowest cost possible.  When selecting ingredients it is important to look at the quality and quantity.  A very cheap source of contaminated grain or silage won’t end up so cheap if you end up losing the majority of your herd to toxicity.  You must also be able to adapt the ration as the cost and availability of the ingredients change over time.

The main thing to focus on when formulating a ration is to remember that all animals require a balanced diet to bring out the best in their genetic potential.