“The Best Result For Supplement Feeding That We Have Ever Had!”
Product Range: MegaMin Graze & Grow
Region: Drillham, QLD
MegaMin Graze & Grow – a high Protein, Mineral and Trace Element supplement is formulated with Vitamins, Rumensin, 6% Urea as well as protected protein to increase dry feed intake or for use as a production supplement for young cattle.
With three different salt levels to help regulate intake (5%, 12%, 20%), Graze & Grow caters for varying soil types, water and paddock conditions. In 2014, during one of the worst droughts on record, Raff Angus was one of the first properties to use Graze & Grow for their breeders and first calved heifers.
“We invested between $1.04 and $2.41/head/week and we had best result for supplement feeding that we have ever seen. We had had no significant rainfall from March until December and despite the tough conditions and limited feed in the paddock, our cattle on MegaMin Graze & Grow still had a bloom and did well. The cows managed well with the proof being in how good their calves looked. We were pleased to see how our cattle handled these extreme conditions with just a supplement. Cows initially craved the lick and advice from AgSolutions on consumption rates and the need to add extra salt has been spot on,” reported David and Andrew Raff.”

In 50 years I have never had a supplement where cattle do not rush you when you top up the troughs. With Graze & Grow, once we got the salt intake right, a small amount of lick was often left in the trough,” said David Raff.
A combination of Protected Protein (which keeps cattle grazing for longer), a strategic amount of Urea (to start the stimulation of rumen Bacteria to get cattle grazing within 30 minutes) plus the natural minerals, trace elements, vitamins and Rumensin is what makes AgSolutionsí Graze & Grow the best dry feed supplement Raff Angus has ever used.
Less Pink Eye
When we started supplementing we had just started to get some Pink Eye in the cows. Usually weíd have to treat the whole herd but after just one week on MegaMin Graze & Grow, the number of head affected had stabilised and we didnít need to treat any cattle. Considering the dusty conditions this is remarkable.”
Graze & Grow was introduced in May 2014 and fed out twice a week at 300gram/head/day for cows and calves until weaning. Once calves were weaned at 4-6 months (due to the dry conditions), supplement intake for cows was reduced to 200grams/head/day.
For more information contact Andrew Raff on 0429 691 975.