Rockhampton Rhodes Grassy Hay Achieves Exceptional Results
Product Range: NatraMin Cal-S
Region: Rockhampton, QLD
Peter grows Callide Rhodes hay, rye grass and winter cereals under centre pivot irrigation on the outskirts of Rockhampton. Peter had been applying liquid gypsum as part of his program to offset natural high soil sodium levels.
“Ross recommended I give the NatraMin Cal-S a go due to his success with other clients as the Cal-S delivers a lot more than just the calcium and sulphur in gypsum. At this time of year, we’d normally cut around 7.5t/ha. With the help of NatraMin Cal-S our last two cuts have increased to 10t/ha. One of these cuts was with 100% irrigation and the second cut was all rainfall so we were able to get a real comparison of the results of Cal-S despite the rain. The result of a 34% yield increase is a significant outcome.”
NatraMin Cal-S was broadcast @ 250kg/ha. Central Qld Agronomist, Ross Newman said, “Most of my irrigated pasture clients are using Cal-S in their programs. We see a lot of soil types with high sodium levels and it is the soil structure impacts caused by sodium that limit yield. NatraMin Cal-S works for my clients chasing production. We’re also using Cal-S under Leucaena and Progardes establishment programs.”
Peter concludes,
“We generally get four good cuts a year to produce quality hay for our clients. With these yield improvements I’ll continue to use it as a soil amendment to combat soil sodium.”