MegaMin: providing the benefits of broad spectrum minerals
Over the decades, vital mineral elements have been depleted from the soil and in many areas of Australia, there is also a natural phosphorus deficiency. This means that, even in a good season, optimum nutrition may not be available in pasture
MegaMin products are based on natural, organic minerals and trace elements and these broad-spectrum minerals can assist to eliminate clinical and sub-clinical mineral deficiencies that restrict livestock performance, even in a good season.
The following provides a basic guide for MegaMin blends to use to meet seasonal or production requirements:
Organic Registration
Select MegaMin products are compliant with either USDA/NOP Standard or Australian Certified Organic Standard. Products that have been certified as Allowed Inputs will be accompanied but the ACO logo.

Pre/Post Kidding
High Calcium and Magnesium Supplement to Support Herd Health, Fertility, and Productivity

Mineral Blend
Broad Spectrum Macro and Trace Minerals for Optimum Production, Health and Fertility

10% Protein Meal
Broad Spectrum Macro and Trace Minerals for Optimum Production, Health and Fertility

Extra Sulphur Range
High Sulphur Supplement to Support Increased Production and Assist Parasite Control

SulPhos Range
High Sulphur and Phosphorus Supplements to Assist Parasite Control, Herd Health, and Productivity

Extra Phosphorus
High Phosphorus and Calcium Supplement to Assist Growth, Fertility, and Lactation

Extra Phos 8
High Phosphorus and Calcium Supplement to Promote Production and Assist Growth, Fertility, and Lactation

Extra Magnesium Range
High Magnesium Supplement for Livestock Grazing Lush Green Feed or Winter Cereals

50% Protein Meal
High Protein Mineral Supplement for Winter, Dry Feed, and Drought Conditions

Feedlot Enhancer
Medicated Premix with Broad Spectrum Minerals, Vitamins, and Bovatec® for Enhanced Production

Mineral Block
Broad Spectrum Macro and Trace Minerals for Optimum Production, Health and Fertility

Extra Sulphur Block
High Sulphur Mineral Block to Support Increased Production and Assist Parasite Control

SulPhos Block
High Sulphur and Phosphorus Mineral Block to Assist Parasite Control, Herd Health and Productivity

Dry Feed Block
Balanced Protein Mineral Block with Urea and Protein Meal for Dry Feed Utilisation

Backed By Science
In replicated trials conducted at University of New England, MegaMin Mineral Blend (the organic minerals that form the base of all of our livestock supplements) was proven to be:
- an effective dry feed supplement compared to the use of Urea
- an effective pH buffer in comparison to the use of Rumensin for grain fed stock
The Principle of the Primary Limiting Nutrient:
The aim of supplementing livestock is to bridge the nutritional gap between what the pasture can supply and what the animal actually requires to maintain health, growth and reproduction. This is why the principle of the primary limiting nutrient is critical for a successful supplementation program.
Liebig’s Law of the Minimum states that growth is dictated not by total resources available, but by the scarcest resource (limiting factor). For example, the performance of an animal is restricted by the availability of the most limiting nutrient and excess supply of nutrients other than the primary limiting nutrient will have little to no effect on performance.

Ration Formulation Service
Take the guess work out of ration formulation. Whether you are looking to feedlot livestock, prepare bulls for sale, early weaning, background steers or survival feeding, our Field Advisors can provide advice for a balanced ration to meet livestock production targets, at the least cost. We have all of the data for the average calibrations of most feedlot ingredients, so for us to review your ration, it is not necessary to have your feed tested. If required, we can also organise testing of feedlot ingredients you have available.