Feeding for success with new MegaMin Equine Enhancer
Product Range: MegaMin Equine Enhancer
Region: Helidon, QLD

- Shiny coat
- Strong hooves
- Performance
Lesleigh Kruse and her horse Ambathala Cellini were chosen to trial the new MegaMin Equine Enhancer as AgSolutions was interested in determining whether results could be achieved in horses that were already receiving a high quality diet and competing at a high level in a discipline.
Dressage is a sport about detail – healthy hooves and an efficient digestive system are extremely important details to help Ambathala Cellini and owner/rider Lesleigh Kruse compete successfully.
I couldn’t be more pleased with MegaMin Equine Enhancer and AgSolutions for helping me keep strong hooves and shiny, healthy horses. A happy horse is like a happy person, they will try a little harder. If the hooves are strong and the hindgut is healthy, horses will perform better!”
“I have just finished my first tub of MegaMin supplement with both my horses looking fabulous and a definite improvement in their Queensland Itch. They love the taste so no problem with waste. Coats and hooves looking great. Thanks Shannon Godwin for introducing me to this product.”
What makes Equine Enhancer so special?

Equine Enhancer is a revolutionary, triple action supplement that not only delivers the key hoof, skin and coat promoting ingredients of biotin, methionine and organic zinc, it also provides a prebiotic to assist the microflora of the hindgut to promote efficient digestion. In addition to these specialised ingredients, Equine Enhancer supplies a broad range of vitamins and minerals including the powerful antioxidants selenium and vitamin E for overall health and vitality.