Top-Shelf Garlic, Spuds & Onions
Product Range: NatraMin Cal-S
Region: Wondai, QLD
- Longer product shelf life
- Natural pest resistance
- Improved soil structure
Twenty years is long enough to know a product works, and that is the opinion of Wondai grower, Justin Schultz, whose father commenced using NatraMin more than two decades ago.
“NatraMin is applied every year to our ground prior to planting @ 1 tonne per hectare”, explains Justin,
“With garlic, potatoes and onions we’re growing big yields and use a higher rate of NatraMin to get our soil right and replace what goes out the front gate. Since using NatraMin we have achieved a longer shelf life for our crops, which is financially significant when selling perishable produce.”
“Silica is one of the key minerals in NatraMin, renowned for its positive impact on cell membrane strength which equates to shelf life and natural resistance to pests and disease.”
“The soil structural benefits were first experienced in our potatoes. Soil no longer sticks to our spuds and our black soil potatoes look like they are washed. In the paddock we have a longer window to work our ground when it’s both wet or dry. The black soil is no longer cloddy, and this saves time at planting. Certainly, a tried and tested product spanning two generations. That’s confidence.”