A lot of areas have experienced enough rain to generate green grass but even having an abundance of lush green fodder can have itís challenges because cattle and sheep can madly chase this green feed……

Livestock Nutrition
Home /Grazing Management
Grazing management is an important aspect of pasture management and the beneficial impact of a well implemented grazing plan can’t be underestimated. Whether you are in an area where it is viable to use fertiliser……
Ration Formulation
Whether you are looking to feedlot livestock, prepare bulls for sale, early weaning, background steers or survival feeding, the AgSolutions team can assist in providing a balanced ration to meet livestock production targets. A grain……
Buffalo Fly/Parasites
For many years sulphur has been considered to reduce internal and external parasites such as worms, cattle ticks, lice and buffalo fly. Research from South America has now proven that sulphur can increase stock resistance……
Botulism is caused by a potent nerve toxin produced by the anaerobic bacteria Chlostridium botulinum and is a paralysing disease of humans, animals, and birds (NSW Department of Primary Industries, 2021). Botulism is widespread and is a……
The principle of the Primary Limiting Nutrient
The aim of livestock supplementation is to bridge the nutritional gap between what the pasture can supply and what the animal actually requires to maintain health, growth and reproduction. This is why the principle of……
MegaMin Dry Feed Trial
In replicated trials performed by Dr Lewis Kahn, University of New England, MegaMin Mineral Supplement was proven to be a safe, effective and economical alternative to the use of UREA for livestock grazing winter forage……
Goat Nutrition
Appropriate nutrition is essential for the health and productivity of all animals and is the foundation of any successful production system, therefore, a focus on goat nutrition will help establish a profitable enterprise regardless of……
Mineral Of The Month: Copper
Copper is a shiny, reddish-brown metal and was named from the Greek word kyprios. The only other non-silvery metal on the periodic table is gold, which has a yellowish colour. The addition of copper to……
Nutritionally Prepare Ewes For Lambing & Lactation
To improve conception rates at joining, increase the lambing percentage and to maximise breeding profitability, it is important to carefully manage each factor contributing to the health and nutrition of your ewes. Simply put, ewes……