Pre/Post Lambing & Calving
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High Magnesium and Calcium Mineral Supplement to Support Stock Health, Fertility and Productivity

MegaMin Pre/Post Lambing & Calving provides natural broad spectrum macro and trace minerals, plus additional magnesium and calcium to promote stock health, fertility and productivity. MegaMin Pre/Post Lambing & Calving is ideal for use during pre and post lambing, before joining, when weaning, or during other high stress periods.
MegaMin Pre/Post Lambing & Calving with 6% Salt is also available to accommodate varying conditions, water and soil types.
When to feed
Supplementation Feeding Guide
Recommended daily intake is 20-30g/100kg body weight/day
Feed Rate (g/day) | |
Sheep/Goats (50kg) | 10-15 |
Cattle (400kg) | 100-150 |
Consumption Management
Livestock may be prone to consume greater levels of product at the beginning of a supplementation program, usually due to cravings for a particular mineral or protein that the mix provides. Download the guide to evaluate consumption rates and tips to manage consumption levels.
Feed Testing and Ration Formulation Service
Our nutrition team can review your current grain rations for early weaning, backgrounding, feedlots, bulls, dairy, sheep and lambs; and can further test the nutrient and protein content of raw ingredients, such as grains, hay and silage, making it possible to adjust intake throughout the year to accommodate price changes or feed ingredient availability.
Supplementation Feeding Guide
- Evaluating consumption rates
- Tips for consumption management
- Recommended daily intake for MegaMin blends

Nutritionally Prepare Ewes For Lambing & Lactation
As we approach the lambing season, it is important to carefully manage each factor contributing to your ewes’ nutrition and overall health to help improve conception rates at joining, increase the lambing percentage and maximise your breeding profitability. Simply put, ewes in a good condition score prior to lambing will generally conceive and rear more lambs. Producers should aim to have ewes in a condition score of 3 at joining and maintain this until lambing, especially for multiple bearing ewes.