Robert Page

MegaMin and Improved Bone Growth and Weight Gain of Weaners

Product Range: MegaMin Mineral Block and NatraMin Cal-S

Region: Heifer Station, Great Dividing Ranges – West of Grafton, NSW

  • Improved bone growth
  • Increased weight gain
  • Helps cattle utilise dry feed
  • Improved overall health

With almost 90 years’ experience of grazing the eastern side of the Great Dividing Range, the Page family have found it essential to provide minerals for their stock. ‘Heifer Station’, west of Grafton, has been in the Page family since 1923. Robert & Michelle Page along with Robert’s parents Jim & Philippa run 950 beef breeders as well as their Quarter horse breeding operation. Heifer station targets the vealer and weaner markets as well as fattening F1 steers and cull cows. In this country Roberts cattle need minerals, particularly at the change of the seasons.

Because we were struggling with urea based mineral blocks, in 2005 I did my own research into supplement options. When I came across MegaMin, the analysis impressed me with all the minerals, trace elements and additional Calcium. We first experimented with one group of weaners. They performed well on MegaMin lick blocks, showing improvement in bone growth and increased weight, compared to stock not fed the blocks.”

Based on these results, the Page family now feed MegaMin Mineral Block to all their breeders, ensuring that their stock have access to the supplement all year round.

“MegaMin helps our cattle utilise dry feed and hold their condition during periods when pastures are not in their growth phases. Blocks and cotton seed meal allow our F1 steers to continue growing on rough feed, and through winter. With traditionally wet summer and autumn seasons, Robert believes it is important to feed blocks in a covered trough and makes his own from mainly recycled materials. With MegaMin being a safe supplement for horses, both stabled and paddock horses also have access to MegaMin.”

“Once a month we put the lick blocks out to our cattle. Our breeders are producing a heavier calf and the overall health of our stock is where we want it. We are now joining our heifers much easier since using the blocks, as they develop sooner.”

After generations of experience grazing country on the eastern side of the Great Divide, Jim and Robert believe that due to the leaching nature of the soil and low nutrition pasture, it is fundamental requirement to provide mineral supplements for their cattle.