Dean & Bree Kiernan

Results Speak Loud and Clear

Product Range: MegaMin Graze & Grow Range

Region: Clermont, QLD

For Dean and Bree Kiernan the results spoke loud and clear; the products work!

“We are EU and run a purebred, commercially accredited Droughtmaster herd where we yard wean then supplement in the paddock until the weaners reach weight”. Dean explains. “we were particularly impressed with the weight gains during winter of our weaners having averaged 71 kg gain in the two months after weaning on winter Buffel and the AgSolutions MegaMin Graze and Grow loose supplement”. Agsolutions’ Protein Supplements supplies key vitamins, broad spectrum macro mineral and essential trace minerals that benefit young stock and give them a kick start to optimise intake of dry feed. In turn this will assist in establishing healthy rumen microbes ensuring cattle will go on and perform and therefore gaining repeat buyers of cattle sold.

In the past we have only averaged around 0.6kg/day yearly average, but by using the Graze and Grow supplement we nearly doubled that with this year’s weaners gaining 1.13kg/day average. One beast gained 100kg in the 63 days!”

Originally from Cloncurry, Dean and his family were also involved in bloodstock thoroughbreds for racing hence nutrition and feeding was a vital aspect in animal production instilled in Dean from an early age.

We are really pleased with what our own cattle are producing for us here now also with the genetics we have invested in and the Agsolutions products assisting in their various stages of production. Seeing how much the Graze and Grow supplements have increased our profit margin so easily, we are now considering supplementing prior to weaning and grain feeding once weaned utilising the Agsolutions free feed ration formulation service”.