New MegaMin Equine Enhancer Helping Hurting Horses To Heal
Product Range: MegaMin Equine Enhancer
Region: Gympie, QLD
- Healthy Hooves
- Shiny and soft coats
- Easy to use with all types of horses
Kylie Read, Ruth Polley and the team at Hope Reins rescue horses in need and offer them a safe and loving home, but what they do goes much further than that. Hope Reins use their rescue horses to work with people from all backgrounds and walks of life. They facilitate the quiet, beautiful connection between horse and human, to help make their people (and horses) feel whole again.
Hope Reins tailor their programs to meet individual requirements. Their aim is to help create connections on a personal, community and business level, develop life skills that will encourage people to reach their full potential, as well as help manage the daily stresses of life.

Hope Reins have been using the new MegaMin Equine Enhancer with a number of their horses and this is what they have had to say:
“We have greatly appreciated being part of AgSolutions, MegaMin Equine Enhancer trial and this is what we love about the product:
- It is palatable and our horses have never refused to eat their feed.
- We love that it is not one size fits all. Some products that we have used in the past have been, where our mini’s got the same as our Clydesdales. With Equine Enhancer the horses get a dose according to their weight and working status.
- The scoop is great and makes measuring the dose so easy, which is a huge bonus.
- As we are a horse rescue organisation, many of our horses arrive with varying issues. Hooves are a major problem and laminitis has been our biggest issue. Our little Pippa developed laminitis shortly after birth (after being rejected by her mother). The separation in her hooves was very evident when you picked them up and they were very brittle. After using MegaMin Equine Enhancer for around four months, we are now seeing a huge improvement. Her hooves are no longer brittle and the separation is noticeably less. We look forward to seeing continued growth and health in our little girl over the coming months.
- Our other horse’s hooves are also healthier, which we are very excited about!
Thank you AgSolutions for your ongoing help and support.”