Our Equine Nutrition and Training Centre is an educational resource and community network connecting you with like-minded people and equine industry experts. As a member, we will share with you a comprehensive collection of equine nutrition presentations and videos, and offer you general advice regarding equine health, nutrition, training, and more. You will receive invitations to upcoming events, alongside information about equine nutrition workshops or clinics that might be happening in your area, and we’ll offer you access to exclusive promotions and special offers made available to AgSolutions’ registered members.

To start your journey towards a more knowledgeable future in feeding and caring for your horses, register for the Equine Nutrition and Training Centre by completing the form below. We want your educational journey with us to be enjoyable, which is why we promise to never bombard you with weekly emails – you can access the resources at your own leisure and you are welcome to unsubscribe at any time.

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Why join our community


Access nutritional presentations delivered by some of the most reputable experts in the Australian equine industry.


Watch and learn from an extensive collection of educational videos covering equine health, nutrition, training, and more


Receive up-to-date and relevant information about upcoming equine industry workshops and clinics taking place in Australia


Connect with like-minded people and technical advisors who can offer general advice about caring for horses, equine health, training, and nutrition


Be the first in the know and receive invitations to upcoming equine nutrition seminars and events happening around your regional area

Special Offers

Gain access to special offers and exclusive promotions made available to members of the AgSolutions Equine Community

Scientifically Balanced Premium Mineral and Vitamin Supplements for Overall Health and Vitality

MegaMin  Equine Supplements contain AgSolutions’ unique blend of naturally occurring earth and sea minerals derived from carefully selected ingredients to provide an exceptional array of broad spectrum minerals. Included are a host of important natural trace minerals such as chromium, boron and silica that are absent from many other supplements.

Pasture Management for Horses

Greater emphasis on pasture feeding of horses should be made in Australia, as it offers the advantage of considerable reduction in feeding costs in combination with a return to the natural grazing conditions to which horses are well adapted. Grazing horses attain benefits from both the nutritional value of the pasture and from the exercise derived from actively grazing.

Latest Equine Nutirtion Articles

Nutrition Hub

How AgSolutions Can Support Horse Owners

How AgSolutions Can Support Horse Owners

Forage-based diets are best for the overall health of horses as forage provides valuable nutrients such as energy, protein, fat, fibre, vitamins, and minerals.  As well as this, grazing is important for gut fill and… Continue reading How AgSolutions Can…

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What Should I Do If My Horse Has Laminitis?

What Should I Do If My Horse Has Laminitis?

If you have read the previous blogs Laminitis and Founder In Horses, What Are the Most Common Signs Of Laminitis and What Causes Laminitis and you are concerned that your horse may be suffering from this condition then look into it… Continue reading What Should I…

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Equine Enhancer And Gut Health

Equine Enhancer And Gut Health

If the horse’s gut is unhealthy it is usually caused by things such as poor animal husbandry, high levels of stress and an incorrect diet. This can result in issues such as gastric ulcers, hindgut… Continue reading Equine Enhancer And…

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