Legume Nitrogen Fixation Supports Crop Production

Legume Nitrogen Fixation Supports Crop Production

The earth’s atmosphere is made up of 78% nitrogen and the symbiotic relationship between legume crops and Rhizobia bacteria acquire, fix and create a storehouse for this nitrogen within nodules on the root system of……

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Soil Compaction: Impact on Soil Biology

Soil Compaction: Impact on Soil Biology

Even though the wet season has passed, for many producers, the impact of the heavy, ongoing rain has had a major impact on soil structure leading to issues with productivity. 

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Get the most out of your Green Feed

Get the most out of your Green Feed

A lot of areas have experienced enough rain to generate green grass but even having an abundance of lush green fodder can have itís challenges because cattle and sheep can madly chase this green feed……

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Grazing Management

Grazing Management

Grazing management is an important aspect of pasture management and the beneficial impact of a well implemented grazing plan can’t be underestimated. Whether you are in an area where it is viable to use fertiliser……

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A comprehensive program to restore soil fertility

A comprehensive program to restore soil fertility

“Making Sense” of soil test results… Every day, AgSolutions assists farmers to assess their soil nutritional program and our soil testing service has become well regarded because of our comprehensive and holistic approach.

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Ration Formulation

Ration Formulation

Whether you are looking to feedlot livestock, prepare bulls for sale, early weaning, background steers or survival feeding, the AgSolutions team can assist in providing a balanced ration to meet livestock production targets. A grain……

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No Hoof, No Horse

No Hoof, No Horse

There is a common saying throughout the equestrian world, “No hoof, No horse!” Many horses cannot perform to their potential because they are suffering from hoof issues that keep them out of work or reduce……

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What To Feed Horses With Laminitis

What To Feed Horses With Laminitis

Feeding horses that suffer from laminitis is an issue faced by increasing numbers of horse owners all over Australia.  There are so many conflicting “do’s and don’ts” out there that it can give you a……

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What Should I Do If My Horse Has Laminitis?

What Should I Do If My Horse Has Laminitis?

If you have read the previous blogs Laminitis and Founder In Horses, What Are the Most Common Signs Of Laminitis and What Causes Laminitis and you are concerned that your horse may be suffering from this condition then look into it……

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What Causes Laminitis?

What Causes Laminitis?

Now that we have an understanding of “what is laminitis and founder in horses” and “what are the most common signs of laminitis”, it’s time to talk about possible causes of this painful disease.

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