Home /MegaMin SulPhos Increases Daily Weight Gain Average By Up To 290%
In the New England region of NSW, merino sheep generally run on granite soils containing lower nutrient levels, in particular, phosphorus and sulphur can be limiting. Recent trials by AgSolutions and Miramoona Merinos producer, Kim……
Feed Horses As ‘Naturally’ As Possible
The horse’s monogastric (single stomach) digestive system evolved to eat high fibre forages in small amounts for long periods of the day. Take wild horses for example, they will graze for around 12 to 18……
How To Help Your Horse’s Coat To Shine.
Having a horse with a beautiful, sleek and shiny coat that reflects its health and vitality is what most horse owners strive for. If your horse’s coat is looking a bit dull, here are few……
Mineral Of The Month: Sodium
Sodium (Na) is an alkali metal that is silvery-white and comprises about 2.6% of the earth’s crust. Sodium was named after the English word soda and from the Medieval Latin word sodanum, meaning “headache remedy”……
Mineral Of The Month: Chromium
Chromium (Cr) was discovered by the Frenchman Louis Nicolas Vauquelin in 1797 and was named for the Greek word chroma meaning colour. Chromium is a blue-white metal that is hard, brittle, and resistant to corrosion.……
Minerals and the Immune System
The immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues, organs, and the substances they make that helps the animal body fight infections and other diseases. Antigens are substances that stimulate an immune response in……
Phosphorus For Production
Phosphorus (P) is such a powerful mineral and much research has been done on it’s benefits for livestock. The key function of phosphorus that helps to increase profitability in P deficient areas is its role……
Dry Feed Supplementation
Supplementation is used to bridge the gap between the nutrients supplied by pasture and what the animal actually requires. What happens when feed is dry?Pastures are the cheapest form of feed for livestock, however, once……
Basic Ruminant Anatomy
Before we delve too deeply into the massive topic of ruminant nutrition. Let’s start by covering the basics. What is a ruminant animal and what is the role of their digestive system? The primary difference……
MegaMin Feedlot Trials
In replicated trials performed by Dr Lewis Kahn, University of New England, MegaMin Mineral Supplement was proven to be a natural, economical and effective alternative to the use of Eskalin (antibiotic) and Rumensin (ionophore) for livestock on……
When The Rain Comes
Many parts of Australia are experiencing or have just experienced what is being called a ‘once in a generation drought’ and Graziers are waiting with bated breath for drought breaking rain. After extended periods of……
Return On Investment With Phosphorus Supplementation
You may have heard the Field Advisors from AgSolutions talk about using “the right product for the right time” and when you have livestock grazing phosphorus (P) deficient country the best time to target P……