Healthier Animals & Increased Fertility
Product Range: MegaMin Mineral Blend and NatraMin
Region: Pittsworth, QLD
- Improved coat condition
- Increased fertility
- Improved hoof health
Max Glasser of Glencoe Stock Horses has found that MINERALS are essential for the well-being and fertility of his stock horses…
While soil remineralisation with NatraMin can help to improve the nutritional level of your pasture, during winter and dry conditions the mineral content in your pasture may be lacking. Because soil minerals have been leached away over decades of farming, even purchased fodder may lack optimum nutrient levels.
Clinical and sub-clinical mineral deficiencies can restrict animal performance, health and fertility. With MegaMin, you can provide year round broad spectrum, natural minerals for your horses.
Max Glasser, of ‘Glencoe Stockhorses’, who is well known throughout QLD and NSW has been breeding and competing his bloodlines for over 40 years. Max is conscious of how critical minerals are to the well-being and fertility of his horses, and provides his stock year-round access to minerals. Max’s knowledge and attention to detail have been rewarded, having topped stock hose sales at Toowoomba and Albury on a number of occasions.
The Glassers are well aware of the wide range of horse supplements available on the market, having previously owned and managed “Charlton Produce” near Toowomba for many years. It was while at the helm of his rural store that Max first learned of the AgSolutions’ range of products… MegaMin Lick Blocks, MegaMin Loose Supplements and NatraMin Mineral Fertilizers and Soil Conditioners.
Excellent Responses
“I’ve seen good results on client properties where NatraMin had been used for both cropping and pasture. Fifteen years ago, I saw the benefits that NatraMin provided to both the soil and pastures on a Beaudesert horse stud, and in particular how well the horses responded to pasture that had been ‘re-mineralised’.
Consistently Better Results
We’ve used MegaMin Loose Supplement for our horses for many years now and it has consistently produced better coats on our horses and the buffering ability of the minerals provides better feed conversion.
Everywhere we go people ask us what we feed our horses. The mineral supplements from AgSolutions are safe and the horses can’t get too much. Best of all, they’re affordable!”
Exceptional fertility results…
The Glasser’s use the services of Max Wilson of Equivet Australia to attend to their mares, and from a veterinary perspective Max has been suitably impressed with the results achieved.
Max Wilson, Equivet Australia reports… “Although I have no scientific proof as to what the MegaMin Loose Supplements are doing, the fertility results of Glencoe Stockhorses are exceptional”.
As Max Glasser continues… “fertility is exceptional with 18 mares and 100% foals. Of these eighteen mares, seventeen went back in foal on their foal heat, which highlights the health of our mares. Our foals are big and healthy and the mares clean-up in an hour and most importantly, go back in foal.”

No Regulating Required
According to Max his horses self-regulate their intake of the MegaMin Loose Supplements, walking away from the mineral lick when good conditions prevail and there is plenty of green pasture on offer. Traditionally their intake increases in April and continues throughout the Winter months.
Hooves show the benefits of MegaMin
There is a distinct growth ring from when MegaMin was introduced. The new growth above this line is free of any feet problems or cracking.